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Compulsive Buying

Sample details Pages: 24 Words: 7204 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Above all, it should be noted that shopping is big business. Shopping centers employ approximately 8% of the US workforce. These portion of the workforce helps drive the machine that creates about of each states tax revenues and there are currently more malls and shopping centers that US high schools (Farrell, J. 2003, pp. xi-xii). Seemingly powering this juggernaut of commerce is ever increasingand apparently insatiable appetite of the modern consumer. Behind the4x growth in the number of shopping centers and the over 3x growth inretail square footage during the 30-year period of 1970 2000, is thefact that Americans (and likely other civilized consumers) areconsuming goods at twice (2x) the rate as they did in 1950 and ten-time(10x) as just over seventy years ago (Farrell, J. 2003, pp. xii-xiii).It is also worth noting that this increase in consumption is evidencedacross all income levels though not necessarily equally across allsegments (Gini, A. 2003, p. 85). In fact, more severe cases aresignificantly correlated to a lower the level of income, a greaterlikelihood of having below-average income and spending a lowerpercentage of income on sale items, suggesting overall an inability tohandle financial issues well (Black, D. 2001, p. 23) Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Compulsive Buying | Psychology" essay for you Create order As a counter-statistic, Americans have a level of production that iscurrently at approximately 2x that of the same period (1950). Thisimplies that, we could consume the same amount as in 1950 and work halfas much or, as reality has it, work even more to consume over twice asmuch (Gini, A. 2003 p. 82). Similarly, in a predictably correlationalfashion, the not only has the number of shoppers and shopping centersincreased but there has been a sharp increase in the number of newproducts, particularly in the advertised must have category as wellas the emergence of the entirely new disposable category (Pooler, J.2003, p. 9). As shoppers and products have changed, the relationship that existedbetween them has also morphed into something new. With theproliferation of retail venues that profer an ever increasing number ofproducts and categories, the arrival of the disposable product shouldnot go unnoticed. Though without question, many if not most productsare very high quality and manufactured to very exacting standards, manyproducts are less durable or are designed for obsolesce. Durabilitywas the characteristic that was promoted while the products of todaypush a message of convenience. In a society rampant with such explicitand implicit messages, it is no wonder that the emotional connectionsto most any product are decreasing (Pooler, J. 2003, p. 10). Productssuch as cameras or contact lenses were highly contemplated purchasesthat were expected to last a significant period of time. Likely more important than simple the volume of shopping is itsintensityshopping means more than it did in the past. Previously,people shopped for items that they needed. Now, such shopping stilloccurs but it occupies a small fraction of the process. Studiesestimate that as much as 2/3 of consumer purchases are unnecessary(Pooler, J. 2003 p.2). This excess is bought from a want rather thanneed. As an additional sign of the times, consumer research has evenindicated that over half of all gift purchases are actually gifts forme (Pooler, J. 2003, p. 11). Shopping used to be a more utilitarian and logical task in whichpurchases were planned and for the most part, the consumer focused onneeds. Contrasted with the modern shopper for whom it has beenestimated that only about 1/3 of purchases are necessary, it is clearthat unfulfilled desire must play a very much larger role (Pooler, J.2003, pp. 2, 6). For example, as Pooler states, people have a needfor a new pair of pants but a desire to buy designer-label pants isa want (Pooler, J. 2003, p. 22). Today, brands are power, disposablecontacts are the norm and OTUC, one-time use camera, are almostalways within arms reach. It is important to note these products arenot inferiorin many ways, they are functionally far superior toyesterdays products, rather, simply illustrative of a pervasivementality that merits acknowledgement and consideration. Understandingthe mentality that these wants, in the minds of individual consumers,are likely felt to be needs. The eye of the would-be beholder ispart icularly relevant. By utilizing the Hierarchy of Needs, it is possible to shedsignificant insight into how some of these psychological shifts areoccurring. Developed by noted psychologist Abraham Maslow over 75years ago, this pyramid of hierarchically ordered needs is fundamentalto many issues with psychological affect. At the base of the pyramidare basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. Above the basic,physiological level are needs that could be classified as safety andwould include anything that can provide psychological security andstability. Above this are social needs such as the need for friendsand companionship. Nearing the top of the pyramid are needs under thelabel of self-esteem in which feeling such as pride and respectbecome important. Finally, the highest level of needs is characterizedas being self-actualization needs in which a person has the desire tomake the most of themselves and to be more. A key component of Maslows influence is his belief that higher needscannot be addressed until lower needs are satisfied. This isespecially salient as most people living in modern civilizedcountries have all the more basic needs met. Consequently and withfew exceptions, most can spend their days in pursuit of thesatisfaction of higher needs such as self-esteem andself-actualization. As America or any modern society has evolved, psychologist andphilosopher Eric Fromm indicates that society and its members have alsoevolved to a point at which being is confused with having (Gini,A. 2003, p. 84). Such as materialist possessive mindset will leavevacant the needs at the top of the pyramid and individuals will exhibitfeelings associated with not having these innate needs unfulfilled.Fromm further indicates that much of the symptoms of this empty questare typical of a western mindset and ultimately result in a mentalityof to be much is to have much (Gini, A. 2003, p. 82). To have a high standard of life means to enjoy a pleasure intensely and tire of it quickly. Simon Patten (Hine, T. 2002 p. 17) The fact that people, in general, are consuming more, that there aremore products and more places to buy them go a long way in describingin somewhat imprecise yet accurate terms that context of modernsociety. Maslows hierarchy of needs also provides significant insightinto the circumstances of the continuing patterns of increasingconsumption that indicated a struggle to satisfy a need that cannot besatiated through the mechanism of acquiring things. At this point, afurther differentiation between needs and wants can be drawn: aneed is often physical and should be satisfied externally; a want ismost likely a psychological, internally manifested desire. In the sameway that you could not satisfy a real, physical hunger withpsychological fish and chips, attempts to quench a psychological desirewith a tangible object are likely short-lived and misguided and willend in psychological frustration. This misguided attempts to assuage ones highest psychological needs isnot unreasonable given the mixed messages in society of which there isa clear emphasis placed upon highly superficial qualities. Shopping issimply the process whereby one attempts to execute these omnipresentmessages. As a cultural phenomenon, shopping is the proceduralexecution of economic decision-making. This decision-making takesplaces in a sea of in which image and emotion are perhaps more likelyto take precedence of narrowly defined economic and functionalutility. The price tag on an item reflects a certain value but thereal value is in the eye of the consumer and is the item worth thatmuch to me. Using economic terms such as opportunity cost andopportunity benefit are especially relevant as a purchase decisionhangs in the balance: what will my friends think?, does it make memore attractive?, does it make me happy? are examples of what goesthrough the new consumer mind. The fact that a product will do thejob is, at best, necessary but not sufficient and, at worst, totallyirrelevant. As noted above, the process of shopping along with the acquiredresultant booty are a reflection of a changing culture and valuesystem. Shopping is part of a manner by which a person defines whothey are. What is bought, where it came from and the motives define aperson for themselves and, probably in large measure, to others aswell. Just as important as what, where and why that someone boughtsomething are the facts of omission: that they did not buy it at acertain store, etc. is as relevant as the facts of commission.Consider the following telling examples of self-expression: the shopper purchases prominently labeled Pampered Chef cookware in lieu of functionally equivalent store merchandise, the man who purchases a Polo sweater with its distinctive logo over the perhaps even pricier/better nondescript brand, the person who chooses name-brand drinks when company is expected over the undistinguishable other brand. While the rationale for purchases are intriguing issues, it isinteresting to note that everyone thinks they are good at it (Pooler,J.2003, p. 4). This is all the more interesting in light of how onemight possibly define good or success. Certainly, in the mind ofthe above average or even good consumer, it would be a short-livedexperience as the satisfaction of a successful hunt only fuels thethirst for additional quarry. That this ubiquitous activity is seldomrelegated to being considered just a functional activity in whichfunctional products are the goal is consistent with the fact that itis now something of a recreational pursuit in which objects of deeppsychological desire are hunted with a relish most often associatedwith sports participation. As most activities in which there is the reward, shopping can go tofar. For many the allure of shopping can be a bit too much. Theattraction of shiny products, sexy packaging, tempting displays,glamorous advertisements, ever-so-helpful service staff and the extremeease by which one can proffer payment, it is no wonder that someover-succumb to the retail sirens. Given a society that isbehaviorally and cognitively conditioned respond to the stimulus ofretail, it is no surprise that some spend beyond their means. Othersmay have the means to financially afford the habit but are continue toseek fulfillment in a venue that cannot provide anything else thantransitory happiness until the cycle begins again. The idea of more, of ever increasing wealth, has become the center ofour identity and our security, and we are caught by it as an addict byhis drugs. Paul Wachtel (Gini, A. 2003 p. 81) The idea that shopping can get out of hand does not escape theattention of either popular press such as Essence or more scholarlytomes such as the Journal of Consumer Research or CNS Drugs [CentralNervous System]. Behind the urge to splure reads Essence, is often aperson who some degree, find that they cannot help themselves. Forsome, a certain purchase is simply merchandise, even if a bit priceyand fashionable. For others, it may represent a conscious orunconscious sense of entitlement or it may be a form ofself-medication that is termed in some circles to be retail therapy(Bridgeforth, G. 2004, p. 156). This so-called therapy is likelycaused by the psychological frustration from the lack of lastingfulfillment of pasting attempts to achieve self-actualization viashopping as a compensation mechanism. While a problem in itself,shopping for psychological satisfaction may be masking serious issuessuch as a clinically-qualifying depression or just regular issuesfor which shopping is sim ply a surrogate means to attain a bit ofself-esteem through good shopping. Though many in the popular press refer to someone as being a shoppingaddict, it is important to note that there are different types ofaddiction. Commonly, when one refers to someone as an addict, themind conjures up the person who is addicted to cocaine,methamphetamines or even alcohol. These types of addictions areundoubtedly very real and, because of their nature, are referred to asphysiological addictions. The chemicals in the abused substanceshyper-stimulate certain receptors in the central nervous system andtheir prolonged use created a deficit in the bodys production of itsendogenous analog. Such a deficit is augmented by a strong desire forsuch chemical stimulation as well as certain psychological needs orperhaps more accurately, compunctions. If it were the case thatshopping was addictive in the same way that drugs are, we might expectto find that purchases of various persons showed little trends in thatthe same types or categories of items did not construe a consistentpurcha se incidence. In actuality, items that tend to be moreemotional in nature have a distinct tendency for a greater purchasefrequency that items with than items with less potential for attachment(Pooler, J. 2003, pp. 24-25). For example, duct tape or milk areitems that would not be likely to be on a shopping addicts listwhereas items such as jewelry, fashion items or elegant undergarmentsare strong contenders. Though not quite like a drug addiction, shopping for certainindividuals can be maladaptive or pathological in nature. Though itcannot be deemed a physiological addiction, as we will discuss in moredetail later, there are physiological consequences and manifestationsof what is otherwise a psychological presentation. For theseindividuals, the entire shopping experience is different: to someonewho has not experienced it, it would seem almost inconceivable that aperson could be out of control to the extent that those sufferingfrom compulsive spending disorder report as being. As Black reports,compulsive shoppers often describe their experiences as beingenhanced by color, lighting or the odor of stores, as well as thetextures of clothing [with] some even describing the experience asbeing sexually exciting (Black, D. 2001, p. 23). According to thesesame reports, 83% of compulsive shoppers report that it makes them feelhappy while 71% indicate a powerful feeling. This feeling persistin the face of the guilt and consequences following their purchaseswhich, in many cases, are either returned or given away and notretained (Black, D. 2001, p. 23). In determining if someone should be fitted with the label laypersonsterms being of a shopping addict or a shop-a-holic, a key qualifieris the expression of consumer demand that could be considered to beirrational. Such classification must be considered in the context ofthe consumers lifestyle and income. With this in mind, it is not theobject of demand so much as an extreme emotional or otherwiseinappropriate level of demand within a reasonable framework ofacceptability (Pooler, J. 2003, p. 26). For example, the strong desireof a comparatively wealthy person or perhaps the elite harrier whowants the very latest in performance athletic footwear isinsufficient to earn such a label. On the other hand, the individualwho is not, by any stretch of the imagination, remotely athletic andwhose income in inconsistent with shoes whose price exceeds ten hourswages would likely be labeled irrational. Such information inconjunction with other facts and the overall context would be in linewith cons ideration for such a designation. Another consideration in the determination of the appropriateness of anon-clinical label such as a shopping addict is the overall magnitudeof the behavior. A common behavior is that people, when they feel theyhave done a good job with some task will self-reward. Thisconstruct is could generally be termed to be a more benign presentationof the self-medicating label often is implemented in regards to awork-related behavior. This psychological pat on the back, whether aalternative compensation mechanism or a pure positive reinforcement ofa selected behavior. Regardless, there is an intuitive level ofreasonableness in relation to the magnitude of the reward with thedegree of difficulty or relative greatness of task achievement.Depending on a number of factors, one employee may seekself-gratification through treating themselves to lunch while anothercould give them a license to splurge and run up a disproportionatelyhefty bill. All in all, though it would be exceeding convenient if there were ablood test to determine if one were an addict, it is simply not thecase. Despite this, there are certain patterns that do fit thecriteria for shopping being an addiction. While there are diagnosticcriteria for the determination that an individual is a shoppingaddict, it is quite likely just as useful to define addictivebehavior as occurring when there is strong irrational desire based upona perceived need for some stimulus despite, in the long runpathological or maladaptive. The addict may likely know that thepursuit of such a stimulus is not in their best interests or they may,through ignorance or extreme desire, be blind to the negativeconsequences of continued consumption. Defined similarly as beingbehavior triggered by internal psychological tension and accompaniedby relief and frustration performed repeatedly despite its negativeconsequences by DeSarbo and Edwards in research conducted to moreaccurately ascertain related psychological factors, either definitionseems to adequately capture the intuitive connotation for such anassessment (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 231). If 10% of the population have a problem and 9 of your friends are OKIs it YOU? While it may not, in fact, be 1 in 10, the incidence of compulsivebuying disorder has been estimated to be between 2-8% with theoverwhelming majority being female and with a comparatively young(30 years old) time of onset (Black, D. 2001, p. 21). Thoseafflicted with this compulsive shopping disorder are generally affectedaround the clock rather than simply when the urge hits them. Thispathological preoccupation with shopping and buying things occurs allthe time thought the actual incidence of overspending or emotionalspending varies from daily to a few times per year, depending on theindividual case (Glatt, M. and C. Cook 1987, p.1257). Before plunging headlong into the issue of shopping as an addiction, itis important to differentiate between compulsive and impulsivespending. The distinguishing feature between them is the source of theimpetus as being internal or external. Internal motivations such asanxiety or the seeking of increased self-esteem or gratification arethe motivations for compulsive spending. Impulsive spending isdifferentiated by the stimulus for purchase is being driven by anexternal mechanism such as a blinking package, prominent placement suchas an endcap or a special (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p.233). Such as differentiation is important as it is not uncommon forcompulsive buyers to also be impulsive buyers yet there are discernabledifferences in their psychological makeup. Clearly, shopping can be addictive and merits attention and possiblyintervention. While there are common sense guidelines to assessing thesuch behavior as indicated previouly, more standard criteria have beendeveloped to aid both a person in determining that they ought to seekprofessional help as well as aiding mental health professionals inmaking a confirmatory diagnosis. Developed under the assumption thatmaterialism is a pervasive and global human trait, the Diagnostic Screener for Compulsive Buying Behavior (DSCB) was developed with seven key items: I made only the minimum payments on my credit cards. I wrote a check when I knew I didnt have enough money in the bank. I felt others would be horrified if they knew of my spending habits. If I have any money left at the end of a pay period, I just have to spend it. I bought things even though I couldnt afford them. I bought myself something in order to make myself feel better. I felt anxious on days I didnt go shopping (Kwak, H., G. Zinkman, M. Crask 2003, p. 166). These items had an approximate overall reliability of 0.75 and weresignificant at the p.05 level. Despite this, in trials withmultiple samples from both the US, represented individualized westernculture, and South Korea, representing more a community/group-driveneastern culture, the emergence of dimensionality in the data wasobserved. In US samples, the premise that the seven test items captureadequately the various psychological tensions and anxieties that aperson who suffers from compulsive buying issues is supported withoutmodification. However, South Korean samples, though supporting thehypothesis this instrument can reliably detect such issues, revealedbi-dimensionality in two constructs of: Financial outcomes (items 1,2 and 3), Unfettered spending (items 4,5 and 6) (Kwak, H. 2004, p. 167). Such a finding indicates that, in some cultures, consumers may seethat an certain issue has different or distinct angles. For example,either an problem with the financial outcomes of behaviors or the factthat one may not be very restrained in spending is likely seen as thesame issue by American consumers. In essence, the answers may be thesame and the result the same but the meaning that a certain cultureplaces upon one factor or another is relevant and only reiterates thechanging nature and that interpretation of such instruments cannot beremoved from the culture. Additional research by DeSarbo and Edwards published in the Journalof Consumer Psychology in which advanced statistical controls wereutilized provide significant additional insights in the both the natureof the problem of compulsive buying and the discernment of the problemitself. In this research the authors cite numerous previous studies inwhich the behavior of compulsive buying has been linked to a number ofpsychological personality characteristics such as: Dependence Denial Depression Lack of impulse control Low self-esteem Approval-seeking Anxiety Escape coping tendencies General compulsiveness Materialism Isolation Excitement-seeking Perfectionism In addition, the factors of family environment, childhoodexperiences with money and spending, family communication patterns, aswell as factors such as the number of credit cards regularly used,degree of credit debt and other compulsive behaviors demonstrated havebeen identified as potential predictors of compulsive buying activity(DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 232). Of all the factors indicated in assessing the issues that predisposean individual to compulsive buying behaviors, the escape from anxietyis most often labeled as the most influential factor. As multiplestudies indicate, compulsive buyers react to stress with higherlevels of anxiety than do noncompulsive buyers. When stressed out,compulsive shoppers attempt to utilize purchases as a compensationmechanism or as an escape from the anxiety (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards2004, pp. 235, 236). Additionally, the following significant contributing factors are listed below: 1. Self-Esteem Cited as the most common deficiency in those who are compulsiveshoppers, it is easy to see how the act of purchasing an item canconvey a sense of power and entitlement although it is one that isshort-lived (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 236). Thisnon-durable pleasure serves to enhance the vicious cycle in which theprogressive qualities of the disease are exhibited. This cycle isvirtually identical to many physiological addictions in which there isdesensitization or habituation to a certain level of stimulus: whicheach engagement, the person wants/needs a larger dose or a greaterfrequency of stimulation. 2. Perfectionism Thistrait is frequently associated with invididuals who suffer fromaddiction and is characterized as being unrealistic expectationswhose unfulfillability can result in a variety of issues such asdepression, anxiety, and self-doubt. By purchasing, individuals withthis trait are seeking to assuage these feelings and, for a shortwhile, they may succeed (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 236). 3. Impulsiveness In the scheme of medical or psychological diagnosis, compulsivebuying behaviors are close relatives of obsessive-compulsivebehavioral disorders. The inability to control impulsive thoughtsand/or the related ability to defer gratification are likely importantcontributors to this behavior (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, pp.236, 237). Also, as indicated earlier, there should be a distinctiondrawn between compulsive and impulsive buying behaviors in whichthe stimulation for action is internal or external, respectively. 4. Locus of Control Much compulsive buying is likely related to a internal struggle to gaincontrol of a confounding and stressful external environment. When aperson chooses to make a purchase, feelings of control are present asthe person chooses the object, means, timing, location and, in somecases, the cost of their desires. This highly controlled situationcould likely be contrasted to the context of the balance of their livesin which they are at the whim of others and exert no control andpossibly even little influence upon the events and objects in theirday. As such, those who are characterized as being compulsiveconsumers are likely to view themselves as being controlledexternally as they have an inability to see themselves from theperspective that they are able to influence their lives internally(DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 238). In addition, addition personality traits such as excitement seeking,approval seeking or dependence issues as well as environmentalfactors or familial factors are considered to be characteristics thatcan contribute to or perpetuate cycles of compulsive consumerism. Anexample of an environmental factors that are potentially relevant areisolation in which the occasion of compulsive buying may provide asocial outlet or materialism in which keeping up with the Jonesbecomes a compelling rationale for such spending (DeSarbo, W. and E.Edwards 2004, p. 239). With regards to familial factors, there are agreat many learned behaviors that are internalized as normal in thecontext of the home. Additionally, most people first experience withmoney and managing finances come through the context of chores, anallowance and forms of rationed spending. These early experiences havea significant influence upon adult behaviors as is the case in whichchildren learn that money is a reward or perhaps are not taught thatsaving is a very important part of earning as well as spending(DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, pp. 239,240). One of the ultimate goals of psychology is to understand, predictand influence behavior. To more fully understand the role that thesepersonality traits, environmental and family or sociological issuesplays in the expression of compulsive buying behaviors, DeSarbo andEdwards utilized advanced regression techniques to tease outadditional insights that would otherwise be buried in using simplertechniques. T he basic idea behind regression analysis is to plot a line whichrepresents the extent to which a certain factor or group of factors canexplain the variance of measurable behaviors within a sample group.More basic regression techniques such as linear regression utilize aformula of y=mx+b in which y is the expected behavior and x is theindependent variable in which there it is posited there will be ainfluence y. In its most basic forms, variables are lumped togetherand one can determine only is a certain combination significantlyinfluences the outcome. In more intermediate approaches, differingvariables can be accounted for by there relative contribution to theoutcome. In the more advanced data manipulations, technology enablesthe rapid assessment of various combinations or clusters of variablescan be examined in order to more fully account for the observed samplevariability. It was such an approach, clusterwise constrained and unconstrainedstep-wise regression analysis, that was employed by DeSarbo andEdwards to predict the maximum likelihood of compulsive buying bygrouping specific combinations of these factors which each iterationtesting for deviations in outcome as various factors or groups offactors are included or omitted. Results from this manipulationconfirm the difference between compulsive buying in which thebehavioral stimulation is more due to internal psychological factorsand impulsive buying in which key drivers are more externallybiased. In this analysis, the study revealed the key predictors of compulsivebuying to be self-esteem, dependence and anxiety. For impulsivebuying, factors yielding statistically significant influence weredetermined to be denial, isolation, approval seeking and coping.Additionally, impulsiveness as a personality trait factor displayed asignificant degree of influence over internally- and externally-drivencompulsiv e buying behaviors (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 248). Though the assessment devices that can shed insight on suchpsychological concepts as are indicated above, when utilized by atrained technician, can provide a more clinical means by whichcompulsive buying issues can be gauged, many of the same indices areoften incorporated in to what might be termed user-friendly fieldassessment quizzes. Such a screening tool may be especially helpfulas a guide to help one self-determine if there is a potentiallikelihood of an issue that may need merit professional assistance. Anexample of this type of quiz is given below: 1. Do you hide purchases from your partner to avoid a fight? 2. Are there garments in your closet from seasons past that still have tags on them? 3.Do you forget about purchases made and then find yourself without themoney to pay for them when the bill arrives at the end of the month? 4. Have you consolidated your credit card debt or rolled it into a refinance? 5. Do you travel at the drop of a hat and take additional trips before past trips are paid for? 6. Do you tap into emergency savings regularly to make ends meet? 7. Are you unable to contribute the maximum to your 401(k) because you need extra dollars to pay your bills? 8. Have you withdrawn from or made loans against your 401(k)? (Bridgeforth, G. 2004, p. 158) Though these yes or no questions are relatively unsophisticated, theycan provide significant insight into the issues identified by Kwak, etal., such as the emphasis on financial outcomes, unrestrained spendingand activities that might be suggestive of behavioral patterns asopposed to single incidents. Grappling with the Gray Area A Continuum Approach to Pathology One of the key features of this disease is that, like manypsychological issue, it typically begins almost unnoticed and graduallyprogresses. The initial cycle is likely to begin even innocuously yetthe behavior of spending is reinforced by the association of thepositive feeling that one has shortly after the purchase. Though thisseems reasonable, there is a pronounced tendency on behalf of mostpeople if not medical professionals are well to see illness in terms ofa dichotomous perspective. While this is a convenient method, it isindeed too convenient to model the reality of a continuum-approach tothis issue. Further, there are traits that seem to predispose one tocompulsive spending such as personality or familial factors.Additionally, there are factors such as stress at work or home whichappear to be more circumstantial in nature in that they temporarilycreate a disproportionate impact on perceptions leading up to thebehaviors in question (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 235). Additionally, as with many psychological issues, it is often difficultto discern which occurred first, the behavior which was reinforcedthrough a reward or the personality trait or predisposing factorwhich led one to exhibit the behavior that was later reinforced.Though one cannot in every case discern and separate with certainty thecausative from the correlational factors. By using more sophisticatedtechniques and carefully thought out testing instruments, it ispossible to speak with greater (though seldom certain) confidence aboutcausation. For example, the following is an excerpt from DeSarbo andEdward that speaks to familial environmental factors: Parents of those in the internal compulsive [impulsive] buyinggroup tended to not encourage children to save and were more likely tobuy them whatever they wanted. This suggests that extreme compulsivebuyers were not deprived of possessions; and their behavior reflects acomponent in which the child does not learn to delay gratification.Such compulsive buyers lack impulse control, buy whenever the buyingurge strikes, and are unable to resist the urge to spend [another]variable concerns whether the compulsive buyers were given an allowanceas children those in the impulsive [external] buying group were morelikely to have received an allowance, suggesting that they come fromfamilies that not only did not deny them anything but also providedmoney to spend as they liked. Combined with finding that those in theinternal compulsive buying group were less likely to receive money as areward, this may reflect a general proclivity to spend without regardto financial situation. [and] a tendency to use their creditirrationally (DeSarbo, W. and E. Edwards 2004, p. 250). Such a findings are typical and reflect just one factor. Is this onefactor enough to tip a person into taking the first steps what whatwill eventually become a compulsive buyer? Such research is alwaysmore useful in explain past behavior yet a salient point is that thereare multiple paths to a particular destination. The accumulation ofwhat could be aptly labeled risk factors only increases thelikelihood that a certain behavior or pattern of behaviors will beexhibited. Despite this, there are no guarantees: some individuals whoare loaded do not develop the behavior while others who seem normalface a lifetime of struggle over the issue. Also complicated a diagnosis is the very nature of the issue: thereare no set cut-offs to determine if some is or is not a compulsiveshopper. This complicates matters as the illness is progressive and itis a slippery slope to determine the extent to which compulsivity is aproblem. The line is typically drawn with specific reference to theindividuals life circumstances and the overall context and theconsequences of the behavior. While such a flexible diagnosis makes itpossible to treat a wide range of degrees of affliction, it also delaysthe decision of a person to get help until the problem is obvious andthere the likely to be significant personal and financial costs incleaning up the mess. Another complication of a diagnosis is the frequent incidence ofcomorbid conditions for which the less than responsible use of money isa frequent symptom. For example, many bipolar individuals have moneyissues. These issues may manifest themselves as compulsive spendinghabits and often accompany grand schemes in which a positive outcomeis virtually assured. If one were to be treated utilizing onlypsychological models and not the medical model for which lithium ishighly effective in approximately 70% of bipolar cases, there is agreat likely hood that one would be simply treating the symptoms andnot the underlying cause. Similarly, depression is a common issue forwhich symptoms often include poor self-esteem and the individual mayseek to self-medicate by spending in order to gain some transientrelief. Seeking relief by spending from bi- or uni-polar depressionand other issues can in effect create issues on issues, thusemphasizing the importance of seeking professional assistance whenis sues such as these arise without help, more often than not, theyonly grow and will eventually be discovered when the problem becomestoo big to be ignored. Four Theoretical Approaches to Rational Behavior Like many disciplines, there seems to be an initial predisposition fora singular philosophy for addressing an issue. As any student in ageneral survey psychology course can attest, the best outcome isachieved either by an integrated approach or by a single approachchosen after seeing the problem through the lens of an open mind inorder to best choose the most efficacious treatment plan. Such is thecase with compulsive spending in which there four distinct approachesto addressing the likely personality and psychological culprits. Perhaps the most straight forward approach is to realize that ascompulsive shopping is a behavior the behavioristic school is a goodplace to begin. Behaviorism has its roots in the methods of Pavlov andSkinner and posits that exhibited behaviors are the function of whatworks for an given individual. Learning or conditioning occurs withinthe context of the pairing a stimulus and a response. The response isclassified as either a reward or a punishment and is either negative(taking something away not the application of punishment) or positive(introducing some element into a situation not necessarily theapplication of a good thing). Utilizing this framework, behavioristsanalyze situations in order to discern what the operational parametersare in terms of reward and punishment. In doing so, thebehaviorally-biased psychologist would seek to re-pair the act ofsplurging with the longer term negative consequences that inevitablefollow rather than the short-term pleasure. By doing so, theindiv idual should theoretically be able to implement behavioralavoidance strategies for the punishments that would follow compulsivebuying. Alternatively, the cognitive approach would also likely be quiteappropriate. One of the more common devices this discipline utilizesis to assist the patient in exploring where they have made cognitiveerrors. A cognitive error is simply a mistake in thinking. As anexample, one approach would be to ask a patient to utilize a pro/conchart with any purchase over some predetermined cost. By using such amethod, the client is forced to consider their motivations and toconfront potential faulty logic before the purchase is made. Acognitive theorist would likely focus on the idea of need versuswant and would work with the client to reconcile these issue. Much of the compulsive buying also arises out of psychological conflictbetween wants and needs and early childhood or familial issues. Suchconflict inevitably causes feeling of guilt, low-self esteem andincreased levels of anxiety which serve to fuel the vicious cycle.Psychoanalysis, as a discipline within the psychology, is well suitedto ferreting out real motivations and the rationale for certainbehaviors. Begun by Freud, psychoanalysts posit that much of whathappens in the brain goes unnoticed by conscious thought. Much likethe proverbial iceberg in which most of it actually lies under thesurface, the unconscious mind influences our conscious decisions inways which we are unaware. In the unconscious is are the hypotheticalstructures of the id, ego and the superego in which each wants its ownagenda fulfilled and is often in conflict. Using the example of compulsive buying, a psychoanalyst mighthypothesize that there are unresolved childhood conflicts in which theclient is expressing through the egotistical acquisition of materialgoods. Such actions while gratifying to the ego for a little whileonly reappear later as increasingly unsatisfied frustrations. Another common approach to therapeutic intervention is the use ofcombined disciplines. Perhaps the most common of these is acognitive-behavioral approach in which individuals are essentiallytaught to rethink issues and to consider the reward system that is inplace when compulsive spending occurs. In addition, in the modern tradition of pharmaceuticalintervention, there does appear to be some physiological basis forcompulsive buying. Utilizing the approach the compulsive buying is aclose relative of obsessive-compulsive disorders as well as the fact offrequent cormorbidity with depression, there has been some success inattenuating the symptoms of shopping addicts by the use of the latestclass of anti-depressants, serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)(Black, E. 2001, pp.17, 25). Sertonin is a key neurotransmitter thathas a tremendous effect on mood, sexual behavior and general bodyfunctioning. Success treating compulsive buying with SSRIs could havebe due to the effectiveness of the agent on the cormorbid condition ofdepression which, upon relief, the patient did not need the boostthat shopping provided. Finally, the use of an integrated approach which utilizes both amedical model as well as psychological paradigms may be especiallyuseful as a consequence of the nearly 60% of those exhibiting signs ofcompulsive spending also presented with symptoms of other personalitydisorders. In addition in one study, nearly 100% of first-degreerelatives of those diagnosed with compulsive spending disorder have hadincidences of major depression, over half had alcohol-related issues intheir family backgrounds and about 15% indicated a family history ofanxiety-related disorders (Black, E. 2001, p.22). Due to the variedefficacy of particular disorders, some treatment disciplines may bemore effective than others in relieving either the compulsive spendingor the accompanying disorder. Many have likened modern shopping and societys extreme bias toconsumption as a modern day drug. This so-called panacea is especiallymade for all the unfilfilled that accumulates over a lifetime ofoverindulgence and entitlement. The only real problem with this isthat it is only a temporary solution that only results in greaterfrustration as desire fuels desire. Is shopping the modern day drug?The answer is a resounding yes but, it need not be. Like drugs, when used for the right reasons and in the rightquantities, shopping can have a therapeutic effect, connecting thepayment for societys best efforts with a process in which money isexchanged for the best efforts of others. Also like drugs, they canbecome addictive as Fromm so aptly stated that is possible to confusebeing with having. When this occurs, misplaced motivations lead onto psychological and financial ruin, much as would any other drug orsubstitute for a real inner state of fulfilling the highest needs ofman. Shopping, like most things, when done moderation is a valid means ofboth the physical acquisition of goods as well as a source ofpsychological pleasure. By focusing solely on the purchase one canmissing the pleasure in the trip; likewise, by focusing only onprocess, the functionality of the activity is lost. When an activitycan be conducted in moderation in conjunction with an emotionallyenjoyable process and an objectively satisfactory outcome, shoppingbecomes a benign if not outright edifying part of the human experience,yet, like all other human activity, quite subject to perversion. Works Consulted Black, D. (2001). Compulsive Buying Disorder: Definition,Assessment, Epidemiology and Clinical Management. CNS Drugs (15),1,pp. 17-27. Bridgforth, B. (2004, August). When Shopping is a Sickness. Essence. pp. 154 -158. DeSarbo, W. E. Edwards. (1996). Typologies of Compulsive BuyingBehavior: A Constrained Clusterwise Regression Approach. Journal ofConsumer Psychology (5), 3, pp.231 262. Farrell, J. (2003). One Nation Under Goods. Smithsonian Books, Washington D.C. Gini, A. (2003). The Importance of Being Lazy: In Praise of Play,Leisure and Vacations. Taylor Francis Group: New York London. Pooler, J. (2003). Why We Shop: Emotional Rewards and Retail Strategies. Praeger: West Port, Connecticut, USA. Glatt, M. C. Cook. (1987). Pathological Spending as a Form ofPsychological Dependence. British Journal of Addiction (82), pp. 1257 1258. Hine, T. (2002) I Want THAT!: How We All Became Shoppers. HarperCollins: New York, New York. Kwak, H., G. Zinkman M. Crask. (2003, Summer). DiagnosticScreener for Compulsive Buying: Applications to the USA and SouthKorea. The Journal of Consumer Affairs (37), 1, pp. 161 169.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Narrative Argument Essay Topics

Narrative Argument Essay TopicsYour objective as a writer is to create the best arguments and writing in your story. With the right narrative argument essay topics, you can be sure that your literary masterpiece will always be interesting.Some of the narrative argument essay topics you might consider are: medical errors; pornography; euthanasia; violence; greed; wars; work ethics; racism; and religion. These are all topics that can provoke good dialogue and will provide you with many questions that need to be answered. By choosing one of these topics, you will ensure that you will not only be writing your best writing, but that it will also have a story line that will interest your readers.These are topics that can challenge you to think and may result in your own character changing as a result. Because each of these topics has a different premise, it will become easier for you to write about and you can also choose which one you want to tackle next. This is because it is important t o know what kind of reader you are speaking to so that you will be able to tailor your writing to your target audience.To make sure that your narrative argument essay topics will be interesting, you should choose them wisely. Because of the lack of time on your part, you might choose some topics that are not relevant or true for the type of audience you are writing for. However, if you know your audience and have researched their viewpoints on these topics, you can write your argument without problems.Some of the best narrative argument essay topics to choose include the ones that support your thesis statement. If you are writing an argument in favor of a certain way of thinking, then you should take into consideration the way the reader perceives the concept you are trying to explain. By doing this, you will be able to gain more respect from your readers and even make a few converts.By observing the way that other people view the topic at hand, you will be able to gain insight into your audience's way of thinking. This is something that should be done, so do not be shy about it. Knowing how other people think is something that every writer must learn to do. In addition, if you are writing a persuasive essay, it will help if you are well versed in the information that is being presented to you.You should not forget that persuasive essays can be controversial. They can be too informative for many people to follow. This is where you need to use the skills you have learned about the topic and take it in to consideration. Being able to frame your thoughts in a way that will appeal to your audience will ensure that they will read your argument closely and make a decision based on the merits of your thesis.When writing a persuasive argument, there are many things to keep in mind. One of the first things you need to keep in mind is that you should not get too absorbed in the subject matter itself. Keep your focus on your audience and you will be able to keep your rea ders interested in the entire piece.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Use of Symbols in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks...

The Use of Symbols in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers The poem ?The Negro Speaks of Rivers? by Langston Hughes contains many symbolic meanings about the identity of African Americans. Throughout the poem Hughes uses metaphorical statements to suggest to the reader what the soul of the African American has been through. The symbols of the old rivers from which the African American ideal has risen can be interpreted in many different ways. They represent the birth and growth of the African American culture, and some of the most significant moments of their past. The words written in this poem represent the pride and knowledge of a group of outstanding people. Throughout the poem Hughes uses the word ?I? (line 4).†¦show more content†¦In the fourth line of the poem Hughes speaks of the Euphrates River. This river symbolizes the birth of life and the beginning of civilization. This river represents the youth of the African American people. It speaks of their beginning. Then Hughes talks of the Congo River in Africa. This is an image of home for many African Americans. It represents a place of peace and tranquility in their lives. Hughes writes about the Nile River and the great pyramids in Egypt. The pyramids can be viewed as a symbol of slavery to many people due to the slave labor that it took to create these grand structures. Finally the great Mississippi River is written about. Many symbols arise from this river of the South. To many whites it represents prosperity, especially in the time of the Civil War when slave trade was one of the bases of economy. To many African Americans this river may represent the oppres sion of their people. The image of Abe Lincoln riding down the Mississippi can be seen as a symbol of hope and freedom to the slaves of the South. The very fact that he is on this particular river represents the times of change about to come. Throughout this poem Hughes has placed many symbols in the readers mind to bring the image of the African American people to thought. He reminds African American readers of their origin and what they have been through by using theShow MoreRelated Symbolic Imagery in Langston Hughes Poems, The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Mother To Son1651 Words   |  7 PagesSymbolic Imagery in Langston Hughes Poems, The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Mother To Son Langston Hughes uses symbolism throughout his poetry. In the poems The Negro Speaks of Rivers and Mother To Son, Langston Hughes uses symbolism to convey his meaning of the poems to the readers. Readers may make many interpretations about the symbols used throughout these poems. Throughout the poem The Negro Speaks of Rivers Hughes uses metaphorical statements to suggest to the readerRead MoreThe Negro Speaks Of Rivers By Langston Hughes1055 Words   |  5 Pagesthe poem â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† by Langston Hughes. So first of all PERSON 2 who is Langston Hughes and when did he write â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†? Langston Hughes was a novelist, fiction, poet, playwright and fiction writer. He is known for his insightful, colorful portrayals of black life in America from the twenties through to the sixties and was important in shaping the artistic contributions of the Harlem Renaissance. Hughes wrote the poem â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† while on a trainRead More Symbolism and Allusion in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers720 Words   |  3 PagesSymbolism and Allusion in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers In Langston Hughes poem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, he examines some of the roles that blacks have played throughout history. Ultimately, the poem asserts that in every one of these aspects the black people have been exploited and made to suffer, mostly at the hands of white people. The poem is written entirely in first person, so there is a very personal tone, even though the speaker symbolizes the entire black race.Read MoreLangston Hughes And How His Style Of Writing1564 Words   |  7 Pagesperspective of Langston Hughes and how his style of writing is. It looks at how several interrelated themes run through the poetry of Langston Hughes, all of which have to do with being black in America and surviving in spite of immense difficulties. Langston Hughes is one of the most influential writers because his style of work not only captured the situation of African Americans; it also grabbed the attention of other races with the use of literary elements and other stylistic qualities. Langston HughesRead MoreSymbolism in The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes1074 Words   |  5 PagesSymbolism in â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† by Langston Hughes Symbolism embodies Hughes’ literary poem through his use of the river as a timeless symbol. A river can be portrayed by many as an everlasting symbol of perpetual and continual change and of the constancy of time and of life itself. People have equated rivers to the aspects of life - time, love, death, and every other indescribable quality which evokes human life. This analogy is because a river exemplifies characteristics that can beRead MoreTheme Of Naturalism In F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Awakening1358 Words   |  6 PagesAwakening. Langston Hughes draws attention to African Americans’ struggles in a country divided by racism through his poems, â€Å"Mother to Son† and â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers.† F. Scott Fitzgerald emphasizes the changes of America during the roaring twenties in The Great Gatsby to reveal the rise of a new social class, the â€Å"new money.† Throughout the movements of naturalism, the Harlem Renaissance, and modernism, a uthors such as Kate Chopin, Langston Hughes, and F. Scott Fitzgerald utilize symbols to evaluateRead MoreHarlem : A Middle Class White Community999 Words   |  4 PagesHarlem was once a middle class white community, but by the year 1925, it was known as the Mecca of the new Negros. Back in the history of America, when many black Americans were literally deprived of their liberty of rights, a social and a political movement evolved, which was known as the Harlem Renaissance. It lasted into the early years of the great depression and not only was it a political and a social movement but also an artistic one to be precise. The movement outbreak motivated the trendRead More Sound and Sense in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers 1431 Words   |  6 PagesSound and Sense in Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers    The text of the poem can be found at the bottom of this page.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Langston Hughes poem The Negro Speaks of Rivers, Hughes makes use of some interesting poetic techniques. This poem is written in free verse, and seems, at first glance, to be very unstructured. Hughes repeats words and lines, but does not make use of repeated sounds. Hughes rivers are very rich in symbolism, and are not just simple bodies of waterRead MoreLangston Hughes, An American Born Writer During The Harlem Renaissance Era930 Words   |  4 PagesLangston Hughes was an American born writer during the Harlem Renaissance era. His work shed light on issues that white Americans turned their backs to. Racism and segregations was, at one time, a very large issue in our country. Hughes addressed that issue throughout poetry and in doing so, became the most popular writer of his time. He opened the eyes of many, while accurately portraying African American culture in such a way that ev eryone couldn’t respect. The passion that Hughes had for his topicsRead MoreLangston Hughes And The Harlem Renaissance1736 Words   |  7 PagesEndie E. Moss Professor Jolene Mendel LITR 221 Sum 17 Due: 20 Aug 2017 The Dream Called Langston As an artist, or literature, music or visual art, there is power in creating pieces that move the masses. For an African American artist in the 1920’s, that power was fought for harder and dimmed due the racial inequalities across America. Being acknowledged as a credible artist was equated to being acknowledged as an American during a time where African American citizens were not considered an equal

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis of a Project Leader for ADCO Constructions- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAnalysis of a Project Leader for ADCO Constructions. Answer: Biography of the chosen person: For meeting the purpose of this report, Daniel Meiklejohn has been selected as the individual or the leader, since the person is the construction manager of ADCO Constructions. The person possesses considerable experience across a wider group of industrial sectors like the government, retail and commercial sectors. In addition, the personnel is involved in tertiary building qualifications and post-graduate management training possessing non-adversarial approach to the project delivery (, 2017). Furthermore, the individual possesses can do attitude, which enables the construction teams in delivering projects to the greatest levels of quality and assuring major stakeholder satisfaction. Leadership style deployed: As identified above, the can do attitude of Daniel Meiklejohn could be associated with the transformational leadership theory. In this context, Ahmed et al., (2013) stated that this leadership style relies on greater communication levels from the management for achieving goals. The leaders are involved in motivating staffs along with enhancing efficiency and productivity with the help of greater visibility and communication. In case of ADCO constructions, the higher-level management of the organisation is in continual involvement with the ongoing project manager that helps in meeting the set targets and goals. This significant characteristic is inherent in case of transformational leadership style. After obtaining the feedback of the top management, the leader following this style concentrates on the bigger picture within a firm along with delegating smaller tasks to the teams for achieving the stated goals and objectives (Ameh Odusami, 2014). In addition, transformational leaders motivate the subordinates to achieve more than the original intention and often even greater than they thought possible. These leaders set challenging expectations and as a result, this leads to achievement of greater performance than expected (Burke, 2013. The situation is identical in case of Daniel Meiklejohn, which has helped the project teams in performing beyond the expectations. Effectiveness of the leadership behaviours displayed: It has been evaluated that Daniel Meiklejohn is a transformational leader having a charisma to make the team members feel passionate about the success of the organisation. The effectiveness of such leadership behaviours could be seen from every operational aspect starting from training to corporate planning (Khan et al., 2014). Some of the effectiveness that Daniel Meiklejohn has displayed with his leadership behaviours is depicted as follows: Exceptional individual skills: ADCO Constructions has undertaken the Richmond Development Project, which is the second vertical school project for the Victorian Department of Education. The construction project is to be designed in such a way that it could cater 650 students in two sites. In order to ensure this objective, Daniel Meiklejohn is engaged in motivating his team members from time to time along with helping them by providing solutions to their problems (Krog Govender, 2015). This has helped in increasing the overall individual skills of every team member by bringing advantage to any endeavour undertaken. Lower customer and staff turnover costs: With the help of transformational leadership style, it is possible for the managers to retain customers as well as staffs (Lundy Morin, 2013). Daniel Meiklejohn has engaged with the team members working in the project by satisfying both the organisational as well as staff needs. Due to this, the retention rate in his team is extremely high over the years, as the staffs have felt a corporate fit. As a result, this has made them stay with ADCO Constructions, since they are reporting to a transformational leader (MacNicol Coleman, 2015).Since the turnover is less, the organisation has not incurred much amount on recruiting and training, which has resulted in big business savings. In addition, Daniel Meiklejohn is excessively good when it comes to interacting with the customers. Due to this, it has minimised the cost of constant marketing and selling new customers (Muller et al., 2016). New initiatives: The placement of managers with transformational leadership roles and skills, in which it is required to handle improvement and change, would fetch some of the effective returns (Packendorff, Crevani Lindgren, 2014). The Richmond Development project is a new initiative for Daniel Meiklejohn for overseeing a special project. As the project needs to focus on community blending, the person has empowered the team members to adopt necessary changes for realising their overall potential. This has been ensured by providing monetary and internal promotion rewards through discussion with the top management. As a result, the organisation has been able to seek the benefits of greater employee performance (Preston et al., 2015). In addition, it has enhanced the outcomes of the existing staffs along with equipping new staffs for productive work. Impact of the leadership behaviours on the project across its lifecycle: The effect of transformational leadership behaviours originates from development as well as empowerment, which increase the capabilities and motivation of the team members (Redick et al., 2014). The philosophical approach to this leadership style involves increasing commitment to the organisation and empowering staffs. Along with developing the school, ADCO Constructions is responsible for providing general purpose spaces for teaching, community facilities and four competition grade netball courts. In order to ensure project success, Daniel Meiklejohn has employed all his team members in this special project by delegating tasks in small portions. With the help of this particular move, both the staff and organisational performance is enhanced without enforcement of any additional burden (Senaratne Samaraweera, 2015). Along with this, Daniel Meiklejohn needs to ensure that the library, performing arts spaces and areas of communal eating would be located on the ground floor of the building. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary that the construction manager follows all the safety rules as laid out in the construction plan. Therefore, Daniel Meiklejohn has introduced contingent rewards, if the staffs work in accordance with his instructions. This has helped in motivating them largely and as a result, the ongoing work is going more smoothly than expected (Shenhar, 2015). The project would include an outdoor cooking facility and productive garden as a main facet of its landscape design. For this, ADCO Constructions has appointed special engineers to formulate the construction plan by providing assistance to Daniel Meiklejohn. In this context, Thorkildsen, Kaulio Ekman (2015) stated that transactional leadership assists the efficiency by enhancing innovative job performance and job satisfaction. From this, it could be stated that transactional leadership stimulates higher performance. Since Daniel Meiklejohn possesses can do attitude, this helps in sharing common mission and vision with the staffs. For each minute task, it is delegated amongst a minimum of three members and they are provided a week to complete the same in an efficient manner. If the task is completed before the stipulated deadline as expected, Daniel Meiklejohn has arranged for additional bonuses in order to increase their level of motivation. For each large task, delegation is carried out amongst a minimum of twelve individuals and they are provided 1-2 months to finish the same in an efficient fashion. In case of completion of the task within the scheduled time span as expected, internal promotions are there for the staffs in order to increase their level of motivation. This transformational leadership style has helped in ensuring the overall success of the organisation in carrying out the project and the role of Daniel Meiklejohn is immense in this project for assuring the overall quality. Conclusion: From the above discussion, it has been evaluated that a project leader faces numerous obstacles at the time of an ongoing project. It has been found that the individual possesses can do attitude, which enables the construction teams in delivering projects to the greatest levels of quality and assuring major stakeholder satisfaction. Transformational leaders motivate the subordinates to achieve more than the original intention and often even greater than they thought possible. Daniel Meiklejohn has engaged with the team members working in the project by satisfying both the organisational as well as staff needs. Due to this, the retention rate in his team is extremely high over the years, as the staffs have felt a corporate fit. As a result, this has made them stay with ADCO Constructions, since they are reporting to a transformational leader. This has helped in motivating them largely and as a result, the ongoing work is going more smoothly than expected. References: (2017).Projects | ADCO. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Oct. 2017]. Ahmed, R., Azmi, N., Masood, M. T., Tahir, M., Ahmad, M. S. (2013). What Does Project Leadership Really Do?.International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research,4(1), 1-8. Ameh, O. J., Odusami, K. T. (2014). 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Leading projects by balancing vertical and horizontal leadershipInternational case studies.Manageable Cooperation?. Packendorff, J., Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. (2014). Project leadership in becoming: A process study of an organizational change project.Project Management Journal,45(3), 5-20. Preston, G., Moon, J., Simon, R., Allen, S., Kossi, E. (2015). The relevance of emotional intelligence in project leadership.Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development,6(1), 16. Redick, A., Reyna, I., Schaffer, C., Toomey, D. (2014). Four-factor model for effective project leadership competency.Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development,5(1), 53. Senaratne, S., Samaraweera, A. (2015). Construction project leadership across the team development process.Built Environment Project and Asset Management,5(1), 69-88. Shenhar, A. (2015). What is strategic project leadership?.Open Economics and Management Journal,2(1). Thorkildsen, A., Kaulio, M., Ekman, M. (2015). Project leadership in regional development coalitions: Horizontal and vertical challenges of trustkeeping.European Urban and Regional Studies,22(4), 383-397.